06 Aug 2021
60 seconds with Annalise Bolger

Hi, and you are?
Hey, I'm Annalise Bolger, Business Development Manager at HUB.
What motivates you most within your role at HUB?
We are building decent homes for decent people. Everyone deserves a good quality space where they can just close the door and relax, and we are helping make that happen each day.
Something you have never tried but want to?
I might regret writing this down – a full Ironman. I did my first middle distance in 2019 and love how training for something like that puts everything else in perspective!
Your favourite way to spend the weekend?
Camping or at the beach, with the weekend essentials – coffee and wine.
Best thing about your home?
We have a lot of glazing so it feels much bigger than it is, and the garden becomes part of the house. That indoor-outdoor flow: you can’t beat it.
Your favourite HUB project, completed or under construction?
That’s a tough one. I love our current project in Croydon with its views back to the London skyline, but the stunning tiled façade on our Wembley building puts that in the running too….
What have you found most challenging about the latest lockdown?
My family live in New Zealand, so with border restrictions the world has seemed a whole lot bigger and more disconnected than it usually does.
Best place you have travelled to and why?
Kathmandu in Nepal - It feels like going back in time and has the best food. Oh, and obviously New Zealand.
Tell us something that might surprise us about you?
We lived in Papua New Guinea when I was in pre-school, and apparently I could communicate in Pidgin - unfortunately not a skill I’ve retained!